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165 Results Found For: "audio video"

The Real ROI Of Video Conferencing

What are the returns you can expect from investing in expensive video collaboration infrastructure? Learn how IT departments and business analysts answer the big ROI question. Here are some of the biggest places we have seen ROI working at Vyopta where...

Why do people still refuse to use video calls?

This week I have been on 3 different calls with support teams who were either trying to sell me something or troubleshoot a software tool we are using. All three of them used a new, cloud-based conferencing platform, and all three of them used audio only in the meeting.  Video was a click away, yet […]

Why do so many video and voice calls fail?

This is one of the most shocking findings from a recent study we did on extensive data from over 100 customers in our data warehouse. As a video collaboration company specializing in analytics, it is no secret that we have access to a ton of information about how our...

How Much Video Usage is Good?

Collaboration is Changing If you are reading this, it is likely you have seen firsthand the rapid growth of unified communication and collaboration (UC&C) across industries and at organizations of all sizes. At Vyopta, we have made it our mission to help transform how companies communicate, so we have witnessed some amazing growth at companies […]