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313 Results Found For: "adoption"

Collaboration Analytics Makes Professionals Smarter

There is a simple truth that many organizations with UC and video collaboration have started to realize. You can’t make smart decisions without intelligence. I know, it’s a bit too “on the nose” but I can back up this statement with a few thought-provoking points to clarify: How does a marketing team know how to bring […]

Analytics For Webex, Professional Edition

Analytics For Webex, Professional Edition A few months ago, one of our customers came to us with a dilemma. They were using vAnalytics to manage their telepresence activity, but they had a corporate initiative to combine their WebEx® with Telepresence through a new...

Top Collaboration Secrets from IT Industry Leaders

I pulled together four of my favorite secrets from organizations that are optimizing their video networks and making a company-wide impact with collaboration.From IT / infrastructure to collaboration professionals, these guys are taking it to the next level with video...