Video Transcript: Microsoft Teams and Vyopta CPM Monitoring

Below is the transcript to the Vyopta for Microsoft Teams and Vyopta CPM Monitoring video with Matt Stevenson. Watch it here.

Hey everybody, Matt Stevenson from Vyopta here and today I’ve got another video around the launch of support from Microsoft Teams in the Vyopta platform. So when it comes to monitoring and troubleshooting, most people want a couple of things. They want visibility. They want to be proactive. They do not want to hear about problems as they’re coming in from people in the form of tickets or calls to the service desk.


You want to know about problems, hopefully before any of that is happening. And also, when problems do come up as they will, you want to be able to quickly look into those issues rather than spend hours looking through logs, trying to find the data around where a problem happened or what exactly happened.

In Microsoft tools today, you actually can only look at the user level. So when someone is having a problem it can take quite a while to find out what’s been going on, especially if that user was a part of a meeting. In Vyopta everything is aggregated. It’s searchable and sortable. So you can see the calls as they come in, identify users experiencing problems and quickly understand why they might be having an issue. Now, whether you’re looking at a call or meeting, it only takes a few seconds to identify how people are joining, who it is that might be having those issues and what those issues might be based on detailed participant metrics like home link speed, Wi-Fi signal strength, quality stream info and a whole lot more.

What about situations where quality isn’t an issue, but somebody reported a problem? Again, looking at the detailed CDR records here, you can easily identify what devices a user is using or maybe when they’re not using an approved headset or not using a headset at all. If you’ve got Microsoft Teams rooms or Surface hubs making calls, you can also get visibility into how these devices are performing as well. And as you can see in the Vyopta CPM monitoring platform, this is the only place where you can get proactive visibility into all of your Microsoft Teams calls and meetings so you can understand and resolve issues quickly and keep your company collaborating efficiently.

And this, of course, includes not only Microsoft Teams, but all the other platforms and devices and systems within your Microsoft Teams environment that Vyopta already supports today. Next time around, we’ll have more info around Microsoft Teams on the historical analytics side.


Vyopta helps you do more with your data. More to come on the Microsoft Teams launch video series here. Until then, you can always visit the page below. Until then, we’ll see you soon.