Webinar Preview: Making the Office Safe For Today and Ready For Tomorrow | July 14th 2020

Join us on July 14th for our upcoming webinar with thought leaders at Intereum, Cisco and Vyopta. The panel discussion will cover the discussion on making the office safe for today and ready for tomorrow.

Tune in at 11:00 am PDT for a discussion with thought leaders John Arsenault, Collaboration Sales Specialist at Cisco, Matt Quinn, Vice President Principal Integrated Solutions at Intereum and Jonathan Sass, Head of Product Management at Vyopta – optimizing for performance, social-distancing compliance and user experience in the new workplace.

The panelists will be discussing topics ranging from:

º World-class collaboration technology to support the new workplace, paired with work-from-home enablement

º Optimizing use of physical space in the office for compliance

º Data and intelligence to ensure a safe return to the office


Register for this upcoming webinar below!

Taylor Tachovsky is a passionate marketing coordinator with 4+ years of brand building experience directing campaigns and improving company results through social media content, strategic marketing campaigns, event planning, and outreach expertise. She has experience in many different branches of business including events, logistics, communications, and public relations. She holds a B.S in Management Communication from North Dakota State University and writes about topics related to technology and the event marketing industry.