Collaboration Performance Management (CPM)

CPM Monitoring® – Free Trial

Video Endpoint Monitoring & Alerts Deployed In Minutes

Improve reliability and call quality with purpose-built monitoring and alerts for video endpoints.

  • Call Availability Status
  • Peripheral Monitoring
  • Customized Visualizations
  • Call Quality Score
  • Call Details & Datasets

  • Live and Recent History
  • Core Reliability Alerting
  • Detailed Call Quality Alerts
  • Deep Device Health Warnings

Ensure Endpoint and
Peripheral Reliability

Call Availability Status

Understand registration as reported from the endpoint directly (the most accurate source)

Peripheral Monitoring

See the statuses of specific cameras, displays, microphones, and touch panels connected to your endpoints

Customized Visualizations

Design dashboards to meet specific needs including segmentation by endpoint tags

Detailed Inventory & Status Pages

View endpoint diagrams for troubleshooting with detailed peripheral component statuses and device attributes

Improve Endpoint
Call Quality

Call Quality Score

Experience how Vyopta’s proprietary quality algorithm creates a simple “Good”, “Fair” or “Bad” grade for each call

Call Details

See the entirety of a call’s performance across jitter, packet loss, bitrate, and framerate

Calls Dataset

Find calls easily by sorting and filtering on key call attributes including custom endpoint tagging

Live and Recent History

View all metrics live and in real-time or in recent history via dialing back the clock

Proactively Uncover
and Resolve Issues

Core Reliability Alerting

Immediately know key issues like loss of call registration and connectivity of camera, display, microphone, and touch panel

Detailed Call Quality Alerts

Understand when endpoints are experiencing poor call quality, including detailed thresholds for jitter and packet loss

Detailed Call Quality Alerts

Alert on endpoint temperature, CPU, and existence of diagnostic errors/warnings to intervene before the user experience is impacted

Customizations and Integrations

Utilize granular settings for triggers, scheduling, and send types, including custom HTML to integrate with ITSMs

“I can now go to the networking team and say ‘Here specifically is the problem’, instead of ‘a problem exists somewhere’.”



System Requirements

  • For Data Collector – A Server/VM or local computer (on the network of the endpoints) with the following:

  • CPU – Dual CPUs
  • Memory – 8GB RAM
  • Storage – 80 GB disk space (OS and Data)
  • Server OS – Windows Server (2012 R2, 2016, 2019) CentOS 7/6+ or RHEL 7/6+
  • Java – java 11 (bundled with installer)

  • Admin credentials on Server/VM or local computer

  • Endpoint IP address, username, and login info on a Vyopta supported endpoint:

  • Cisco: any Room series, any IX series, any MX series, any SX series, any C series, any EX series, any MXP series, DX70, DX80, any Profile Series
  • Poly: any HDX Series, any Realpresence Group Series
  • Lifesize: Any Icon Series
  • Dolby: Dolby Voice Room

Data Sheet

Get Started With Endpoint Monitoring

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Compliant, Secure & Reliable

Vyopta works with the largest, most secure enterprises and governments and we are committed to providing and maintaining as secure platform for our customers, our partners and our community. Our goal is to meet or exceed industry standards for the security, availability, and confidentiality for the monitoring and analytics that we provided to our customers.