Unified Communications Industry Archive

Technology Transitions Are a Pain – Get Best Practices

Technology Transitions Are a Pain – Get Best Practices

Over the years we have consistently run into one common misconception that customers have about collaboration: the only thing more painful than staying with an outdated system is the transition to a new one.  Many people often postpone upgrades well past the expiration date of old technologies because they are afraid to open “Pandora’s Box.” […]

Top Resources to Drive Adoption

Top Resources to Drive Adoption

Increasing adoption of new collaboration technology is critical to digital transformation for many reasons. However, every company and every situation can be a bit different, so it takes broad knowledge to be successful.  Whether you are doing the standard conference room utilization play, or you are trying to increase the number of doctors that are consulting […]

How Much Video Usage is Good?

How Much Video Usage is Good?

Collaboration is Changing If you are reading this, it is likely you have seen firsthand the rapid growth of unified communication and collaboration (UC&C) across industries and at organizations of all sizes. At Vyopta, we have made it our mission to help transform how companies communicate, so we have witnessed some amazing growth at companies […]