
Expert advice, research, how-tos, and insights to help you master your unified communications investments
Video Collaboration Usage in the Enterprise

Video Collaboration Usage in the Enterprise

At Vyopta we admire the analysts, experts, and companies that provide insights on what is happening in the video collaboration industry. Ira Weinstein at Wainhouse Research, Irwin Lazar at Nemertes Research, and David Danto at Dimension Data are some of the people we...

Operators vs. Innovators: What is your IT Team Made Of?

Operators vs. Innovators: What is your IT Team Made Of?

I just got finished reading a really interesting article about the separation of duties in IT groups around the world. I think it brings a new perspective to an issue that we can all relate to: how much of the IT group’s job is innovation versus operations? This made...

Videoconferencing + Google Sheets = Killer Collaboration

Videoconferencing + Google Sheets = Killer Collaboration

Whether it's collaborating on project deliverables, listing out hurdles and roadblocks, or just getting feedback on an idea that you have, teams need to collaborate in order to effectively problem solve. This article holds the 10 steps you need to conduct the most...

Making The Case for Video Conferencing

Making The Case for Video Conferencing

This article is designed for IT professionals who are in the middle of building a case for video conferencing in their organization. We went back to the basics to answer the most common questions that organizations ask when planning a video conferencing deployment....

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