Press Coverage

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User Tagging: Do More With Your Data

User Tagging: Do More With Your Data

Matt Stevenson explores the power of user tagging in Vyopta's CPM Suite. Through features like user tagging, Vyopta can help you do a lot more with your data than other tools. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks from Vyopta and do more with your data.

Data is the Key to Office Re-entry

Data is the Key to Office Re-entry

Finding and maintaining the new “safe optimal” Prior to coronavirus, innovative IT and Workplace teams were focused on maximizing capacity and cutting real estate costs. Then the world changed. For the first time, IT and Workplace teams are not only thinking about the...

COVID-19 Impact on UC in 5 Charts

COVID-19 Impact on UC in 5 Charts

It's no surprise that COVID-19 had a huge impact on UC as businesses moved from in the office to having their employees work remote essentially overnight. We've seen many of the eye popping numbers coming out of the UCaaS vendors, and we've all felt the growing pains...