Business Collaboration

Best practices and expert advice to help you collaborate better in the enterprise
Hybrid work solutions: improving employee engagement

Hybrid work solutions: improving employee engagement

The reality is becoming clear that hybrid work is changing the everyday behaviors and attitudes of workers who now only occasionally report into the office, and expect to perform most of their work duties in a non-workplace setting. That flexibility has provided...

Learning why bad meetings are so costly

Learning why bad meetings are so costly

One of the most common frustrations of the modern workplace (pre-Covid-19) was the feeling of disappointment that followed a bad meeting that was far too long and accomplished far too little. We’ve all had those experiences but one thing that has only recently started...

How the delta variant will impact hybrid work

How the delta variant will impact hybrid work

The spread of the delta variant of Covid-19 throughout the U.S. has thrown off many predictions about a continued return to normal gatherings and business dealings. The Wall Street Journal recently took a look at how the new surge in infections and hospitalizations is...